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Karla flattens a beach ball using her powerful legs 5 (1)

Karla flattens a beach ball using her powerful legs

Inflatable, Membership, Toy Destruction, VOD

Karla uses her power and strong legs to flattens a beach ball. Imagine what she could do against you.

Karla flattens a beach ball using her powerful legs 5 (1)

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Gil Cunha destroys a balloon and doll 0 (0)

Gil Cunha destroys a balloon and doll

Inflatable, Membership, Toy Destruction, VOD

Gil Cunha big and powerful she could smash and destroy anything in her way. In this video, she destroys some balloons and crushed a doll using only her powerful arms and super strength.

Gil Cunha destroys a balloon and doll 0 (0)

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